Unraveling Education Podcast

Join former School Board Trustee Danielle Ford for the podcast that’s part story-telling, part information, and part “whodunnit”.

We’ll be investigating the underlying issues harming the public education system, and identifying the key players involved.

unraveling education podcast danielle ford ccsd clark county school district school board trustee

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Recent Podcast Episodes

The Jesus Jara Chronicles: Part 3`

The Jesus Jara Chronicles: Part 3`

This is the epic conclusion to “The Jesus Jara Chronicles”. Learn about the closed sessions, mediation, and legal scandals that were orchestrated to punish school board members, rip off taxpayers, and get Jesus Jara contracts and huge payouts…

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The Jesus Jara Chronicles: Part 2

The Jesus Jara Chronicles: Part 2

We’re really getting into the heat of Jesus Jara’s corruption in CCSD now, friends! Learn about the scheme to get Superintendent Jara’s contract extended, the time he was fired… and then unfired… and way more!

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The Jesus Jara Chronicles: Part 1

The Jesus Jara Chronicles: Part 1

This episode chronicles Jesus Jara’s employment as Superintendent of CCSD. It includes the chaos he purposely crafted and the destruction he caused so that he could remain employed and continue to gain power.

By the end of this episode you’ll understand the methods he used to bribe those who could be bribed, threaten and punish the rest, force thousands of educators, staff and admin to quit, bring student enrollment numbers down by 30,000.

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CCSD Superintendent Search, Chiefs for Change & Broadies Scam, Educational Reforms… and more!

CCSD Superintendent Search, Chiefs for Change & Broadies Scam, Educational Reforms… and more!

Joining me in this episode is CCSD educator, Robert Cowles. We discuss the upcoming CCSD Superintendent Search and history, National Superintendent training programs such as: Chiefs for Change, Broad Academy, etc. We both share our thoughts on what qualities the future leader of the Clark County School District should possess, what selection process should be used, and the Nevada State Legislature’s role in all of this.

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Houston, we have a Problem! & his name is AJ Crabill

Houston, we have a Problem! & his name is AJ Crabill

You’ll learn the complete background of AJ Crabill aka “the mysterious stranger” & his sinister agenda for the Clark County School District. Then an update on the happenings in CCSD & the Superintendent Jara saga. I’ll explain the snazzy conference we attended with other school boards across the country, the national vendors we were introduced to, and the “really scary, frightening” epiphany that was had.

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Board Member Bought by Billionaires

Board Member Bought by Billionaires

This episode contains: the questionable change to board governance a certain Trustee tried to sneak though for approval at a board meeting, I’ll take you through that meeting play by play. Then you’ll learn about that board member’s employment and candidate background. The names of the donors who funded their electron are sure to shock you and leave you with the same questions I had.

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Brainwashing the School Board at Harvard

Brainwashing the School Board at Harvard

You’ll hear about my experience visiting Harvard University for school board training, some of the interesting people I met, and how I realized that all of the school board Trustees in attendance were being brainwashed.

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